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Do not be alarmed. We control the vertical. We control the horizontal.
All is well.
Nothing to see here. These are not the droids you are looking for. Move along.)

 New and Improved! With fewer bytes! 
The Latest Photo Go see the photo album - my family photo album, with pictures of the whole clan.

This album is the same as my new album, but much smaller.

Steve's Resume Steve's Resume - I consider myself a Software Craftsman. I have a wide range of skills and the ability to interact well with people and computers. I am currently gainfully employed with DataCert, Inc., and am quite happy. Here is my resume if you want to know more about me.

favorites Steve's Bookmarks - hope you find something interesting there.

Steve's OLD weblog Steve's Weblog - something new I am playing with.
Donie Family Weblog - an experiment in collaborative editing.