Dana Epp's ramblings at the Sanctuary: Revisiting "Behind the Scenes: How I Build Software": "Finally I want to talk about our automated testing. Since I last discussed this I have done a 180 on our testing approach. Although I find unit testing to be great developer's asset, I think an even better approach is to use a testing framework that offers unit, regression and integration testing in a single suite. That's where our decision to use AutomatedQA's TestComplete has been a god-send. I now have a dedicated Quality Assurance Test Specialist whose only job is to build automated tests for every single piece of shippable code using TestComplete. As our test library continues to grow, we continue to refine the testing mechanisms in an effort to maintain stable, shippable code at all times. We also added some new systematic processes in both our dev and QA workflow:"
Nice post. Might have to look into TestComplete - maybe something that DataCert can use. ]]>
7/06/2005 01:31:53 PM